Saturday, July 26, 2008

BookCrossing: Caroline Masters (plus two others!)

Well well well, three BookCrossing catches in two days! Two came in yesterday, one anonymously and one with a new member:

  • Blue-jeaned Prince -- My friends and I found this gem on top of a newspaper box on Dunbar. We proceeded to read it aloud to each other in the park. It was an exciting, sensual tale of love found where it was least expected.
  • The Gathering of the Winds -- I found this book in Pacific Spirit Park on the Council Trail. It provided my friends and me with much amusement after the fireworks at English Bay. Many thanks!
And then one came in yesterday. On Tuesday morning I left Vancouver with Biscotti and my mom and a couple of my registered books to release. Caroline Masters, by Richard North Patterson, was released in Seattle's Pioneer Square, just inside the entrance to the Underground Tour building. On Friday, the following journal entry was made by a new BookCrossing member from Germany:

I found this book on July 23 08 in the building of the "Underground Tour" when I was visiting seattle :-)
-07/23/08: the book arrived Vancouver...welcome back ;-P

Here's a link to Caroline Masters on BookCrossing.

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